Kantipur’s stray sexual desire – strip dance and women’s most sensitive parts

Posted On 25 December 2010 | By Glamour Nepal
It has been more than a few times Kantipur publication has shown it’s immaturity in it’s role as a mainstream media. It has shown signs of becoming an old lion who can’t hunt but is too proud to accept the truth – it is no longer a media of choice.
Kantipur’s desperate attempts to attract readers is evident in some of the articles with extreme sexual subjects, not suitable for minor. For example, the Dec. 24 edition of Saptahik teaches our kids to ‘strip dance’ and tells that Americans spend more time in strip bars than in theaters or operas. There is another article in the same edition, telling the kids that the inside of thighs are the most erotic parts to touch and kiss.
Now, tell me: What will you do if your 10 year-old kid want to test if Saptahik was right?
I wouldn’t have been complaining if the magazine were ‘adult only’. But, the magazine clearly mentions that it is “for everybody” – that includes kids (See the photo below, showing the title of Saptahik).

They might argue they are publishing articles on “sex education”. But, where in earth teachers talk about strip dance in school?
Well, this is not the first time, the sex hungry bunch at Kantipur have published such articles. Last time articles on Maya Bazin and Smita Thapa looked like articles written by a pimp rather than a journalist. In an attempt to hear what they have to say, I wrote emails to editors and writers but, I never got any replies. This is a perfect example on how they treat their readers.

I have a few unanswered questions:
I have a few unanswered questions:
# What is the responsibility of a media house towards its reader/viewers? Do they need to reply question      raised by general public?
# Who determines what material is suitable for publication in “For All” type of media?
# Is there a system to classify age restricted publication in Nepal?

I think, the readers will surely judge the publication by it’s content and a family-person would think twice before spending Rs. 12 on a magazi ne they need to keep out of reach from kids and visitors (they might frown-on reading such indecent magazine).
Here is the screenshot of ekantipur, showing the details of the 10 most sensitive parts of a woman (don’t show it to your kid – they can wait to grow and know these stuff).
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